Typical results from previous patients we have helped
Before & after

This 81 year old gentleman was referred by his GP as he had varicose veins causing swelling of the lower limb and thin fragile skin.
Varicose veins are a common cause of painful leg ulceration in such patients.
He underwent walk-in-walk-out treatment by radiofrequency ablation and phlebectomy at the Cadogan Clinic under local anaesthetic which took about 35 minutes.
Within 4 weeks the swelling was gone and the skin looked much healthier and more robust.

This very athletic man in his 50’s developed very prominent veins in both upper limbs.
These were treated with phlebecotmy.
Because he had some additional treatment to his lower limbs at the same time his treatment was provided under a light general anaesthetic.
Phlebectomy is performed under magnification using needles and micro instruments which can remove faulty veins without requiring incisions or sutures. There is no visible scarring afterwards.

This 73-year-old lady wished to improve the appearance of her hands which had become increasingly veiny over time.
There are many ways to treat hand veins but in her case she had micro-phlebectomy performed under local anesthetic. This takes about an hour. The problem veins are removed using find delicate instruments inserted by tiny holes made with a needle.
There are no incisions, sutures or scars and the improvement in appearance is achieved very quickly.
This 72 year old lady wished to improve the appearance of her hands which had become increasingly veiny over time. There are many ways to treat hand veins but in her case she had micro-phlebectomy performed under local anaesthetic. This takes about an hour. The problem veins are removed using fine delicate instruments inserted by tiny holes made with a needle. There are no incisions, sutures or scars and the improvement in appearance is achieved very quickly.
This patient is an athletic man in his thirties who runs frequent marathons.
He had a strong family history of vein problems and had developed extensive varicose veins over the left leg. He was treated with a combination of endothermal ablation (using radiofrequency) and phlebectomies under sedation as a day case procedure, returning home after lunch and back to work in a couple of days.
These are the appearances 5 weeks later and he was already training for the next race.
This is a 70 year old lady who had leg swelling and marks on her legs due to varicose veins.
The varicoseveins were treated with a combination of radiofrequencyablation and phlebectomies under local anaesthetic after which her legs felt much more comfortable. The residual marks seen here were due to threadveins which were treated by sclerotherapy.
She does not live in London and has a busy schedule so her treatment was spaced out to fit her diary with three sclerotherapy sessions performed over an 18 month period with the improvement shown here.